Some time ago a good friend of mine said “you never hear of Eskimos with joint problems or arthritis, it’s down to the healthy fish
oils high in omega 3 they eat, that’s why I take cod
liver oil capsules every day”. I didn’t really think about what he said in
any great depth, it was just one of those sentences where you just smile back a
nod your head in agreement without really thinking it through, I then mentioned
that Inuit’s have many, possibly over a hundred words for snow, but I later
found out this is a common misconception, it’s the Sami an indigenous people in
Sweden that have 300 words for snow.
Much time has now passed and I wanted to explore this
comment and find out if this is really true, are Eskimos free of joint problems
and arthritis. Without to much fuss I came across the “Inuit’s paradox”, which basically
asks: how can a people that rarely eat fruit or vegetables, eat high amount of meat
and fat be healthier than most of us?
It is true to say the modern Eskimos diet is rapidly
changing, more and more Eskimos are moving away from a traditional Eskimo diet.
Eskimos have probably seen more changes in their diet in a lifetime than
their ancestors did over thousands of years. As the population grows more and
more people live closer to towns which in turn makes modern shops accessible
and makes way to cash paying jobs without the need to live off the land. This
makes it more likely to have western diets that include crisps, fizzy drinks,
fast food. Harriet Kuhnlein, director of Indigenous Peoples Nutrition and
Environment said “The young and urbanized,” and “are increasingly into fast
food.” Now obesity, diabetes and other western diseases are causes for concern.
But the traditional Eskimo diet was high in meat, seal meat,
organ meat, wild and fresh and sometimes raw. Their meat is completely different
from the meat we have in our shops. The meat they ate were not feed grains and
had a high content of Omega 3s and low amounts of Omega 6, the opposite of
modern meats. Their overall diet was more a 1:1 ratio of omega 3s to 6s, compared
to today’s ratio of about 1:25(+) of omega 3s to 6s.
So what can we learn from all of this. It is safe to say we’re
not going to move the arctic and start eating seal meat and raw organ meat, but
there are vital lessons we can learn. Try to have a balanced diet, keep a
careful eye on our sugar intake, eat fresh fruit and vegetables, have plenty of
healthy fats. One very important point, our diets are high in omega 6, so take
cod liver oil which is high in omega 3.
One last point, the traditional Eskimo way of life must have
also played a part, their daily active lifestyle, low exposure to environmental
toxins, low stress levels contributed to their health, a lesson we can all
learn from.